Friday, October 21, 2011

Reasons for Not Posting

       I’ve been spending all my time on a modeling website getting my portfolio together and networking with all sorts of people in the industry. That’s the main reason why I haven’t been posting. So I decided I should tell you all something about the website itself.

       I found the site while registering with roll models, a site for disabled models, actors, musicians and performers. It’s called Model Mayhem and now that I’m registered I’m building a professional portfolio to take and send to prospective clients. At my age, I only have a few more years in which to sell my wares. I could make a killing starting an off color website directed at devotees and have actually thought about it. With the economy the way it is I’m sure a lot of us have considered this.

       I’m thinking about closing down my face book account again. I can’t see posting all my pictures there for free when I could be selling them. Just like these models who pose nude on model mayhem in their portfolios. I think it’s stupid because anyone can come along and copy that picture and save it to their hard drive. When I do my lingerie and implied nude shoots, I’m having Eric shoot them and I won’t post them anywhere but on my own website.

       So that’s where I’ve been instead of posting, plus I have face book, twitter, four email accounts and photomodelnetwork. Though, none of it is more important than this blog and I apologize for letting it go. I’ll be back on track before you know it. Until then, I will write something at least every other day. Thanks for hanging in there with me!

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