Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Please Leave Me Your Questions

       I would really like to hear from my followers today. So if you would, please leave a comment with the question you would most like me to answer about myself and/or problem, issue or comment about yourself. I believe it would be educational, entertaining, humbling, enlightening and beneficial in so many ways.
       Thank you, friends and good night.

1 comment:

  1. I write with you on facebook more than here - i think you need more exposure, facebook notes are able to hold unlimited amount of text, and there are some ways to promote the blog - i have been very busy with family things but when i have some time id like to help!


please feel free to be as open, honest, blunt, and real as think you need to when leaving your comment. any of you who can relate to any one of my issues or takes offense to something I've written I'd especially like to hear from. I'm sorry to say that any comments left anonymously will not be published whether positive or negative. however, i still appreciate the insight and value the opinion. Thanks, L.A.M.B.